Hello,my name is Sunny. This is my first ever blog post so
it may be awkward until I become more accustomed to blogging. Anyways, I am
going to blog about my hobbies which coincidentally is mainly gaming. To me
gaming can mean a variety of different types of games. Games can range from
card games to video games for me, and I play many types of games. My favorite
type of games are video games followed by card games. I mainly like to play
RPGs (role playing games) typically, but the genre of JRPG (Japanese role
playing games) are what I tend to play. The reason for this is that I just love
the stories from JRPGs where the hero has to save the world and when he or she
does, it's usually a happy ending, and I sure do love my happy endings. An
example of this is the video game Xenogears for the playstation 1. Even though
the graphics are not that strong, the story does an amazing job of pulling me
into the game.
(picture from http://operationrainfall.com/oprainfall-origins-xenogears/)
For card games, I like to play a new game that came out
about a year ago. The game is known as Cardfight Vanguard. To be honest, the
main reason I like this game is that I think the card art work looks amazing.
Lastly, I am currently taking CS108 at SJSU. It's a intro to
game studies course. I hope to be able to learn more about how games are
designed so that my appreciation for gaming may grow even more. Also, with
gaming as my main hobby, I hope it allows me to connect to game studies easier
and that I can absorb more information more fluidly in class.
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